Digital nomads program adopted in Montenegro

The Montenegrin Cabinet, at the proposal of the Ministry of Public Administration, Digital Society and Media, adopted the Programme for Attracting Digital Nomads in Montenegro until 2025 with the Action Plan for 2022, which intends to increase the number of digital nomads residing in Montenegro, as well as the recognisability of Montenegro as an attractive tourist destination for their stay.
Through the development of a programme for attracting digital nomads, and in cooperation with line ministries, it was recognised that certain normative amendments are needed, in terms of regulating the status of digital nomads, approving their stay in Montenegro, but also defining tax breaks for this category of foreign residents. Our goal is to recognise Montenegro as a globally attractive destination for digital nomads. Therefore, we plan the implementation of the campaign „Montenegro – a destination for digital nomads, but also creating a web platform that will become a central place for all the information and digital interaction of nomads with our country, said Minister of Public Administration, Digital Society and Media Tamara Srzentić.
According to Srzentić, in cooperation with the Ministry of the Interior, the necessary amendments to the Law on Foreigners and accompanying regulations have been identified, in terms of recognising the category of digital nomads and approving their stay in Montenegro for up to a year with the possibility of extension.
Also, in cooperation with the Ministry of Finance and Social Welfare, through amendments to the Law on Personal Income Tax, certain amendments to the law that need to be applied have been identified.
The goal, as she pointed out, is to improve the digital environment, not only for nomads, but also for all citizens, so the introduction of new electronic services was also recognised through the programme.
The programme defines strategic priorities and goals of creating an environment to make Montenegro an attractive destination for digital nomads, conditions for approval/issuance of temporary residence permits for digital nomads, activities and analysis to assess economic and social potential, as well as competent institutions, success indicators, sources of funding and other issues relevant to the implementation of the Programme and the accompanying Action Plan.
Author: Ministry of Public Adminstration, Digital Society and Media